State Cost Share Programs
The Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship (IDALS) receives appropriations from the legislature, and each Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) receives its allocation of funding for voluntary cost share programs at the beginning of the state fiscal year (July 1). The SWCD may also receive supplemental funding at other times during the year.
The Dallas County SWCD takes applications requesting cost share for soil and water conservation practices from landowners and producers on an ongoing basis. Field office staff are responsible for conservation planning, developing cost estimates, and ranking applications. Cost share funding is obligated to projects if approved by the SWCD Commissioners (when funding is available).
The main state-funded cost share programs used are the Iowa Financial Incentive Program (IFIP), the Resource Enhancement And Protection (REAP) program, and the state’s Water Quality Initiative (WQI). Other cost share opportunities may be available depending on the practice and your location (for example, watershed project funding).
Click here to For more information on REAP- Non agricultural Customer Financial Eligibilty
Click here to learn about Financial Assistance for Conservation Practices provided by the state.
There may also be financial assistance available through the State Revolving Fund (SRF), which provides Low-Interest Loans for Soil Erosion and Manure Management Practices.
Learn more information about the SRF Local Water Protection Program here.
Forestry/Native Grasses & Water Protection
Since 1990 the IDALS-Division of Soil Conservation and Water Quality has received funding for the Soil and Water Enhancement Account through Iowa’s Resource Enhancement and Protection (REAP) Program, which are distributed to SWCDs, which provide financial incentives to private landowners to implement conservation practices for water quality protection efforts.
REAP Forestry/Native Grasses (F/NG) funds are used to support practices to promote the installation of woodlands, native grasses and forbs. REAP Practices (P) funds are used to support water protection practices.
Click to Learn More About REAP
REAP-F/NG may provide cost share for practices including:
Conservation Cover *
Farmstead and Field * Windbreaks
Tree Planting *
Forest Stand Improvement
Site Preparation for Natural Regeneration
Rescue Treatment
Riparian Forest Buffer
Prescribed Grazing
Fencing Systems
REAP-P may provide cost share for practices including:
Critical Area Planting *
Field Borders *
Filter Strips *
Pasture & Hayland Planting *
Contour Buffer Strips
Access Control
Restored or Constructed Wetlands
Streambank & Shoreline Protection
Soil Erosion Control
State cost share provides financial incentives to private landowners to implement conservation practices to control soil erosion on agricultural land. Unless otherwise noted, cost share is limited to 50% or 75% of the actual (eligible) or estimated cost of practice installation, whichever is less.
Soil Erosion Control practices that may be eligible for financial assistance through IFIP or REAP include:
Water and Sediment Control Basins
Grade Stabilization Structures
Grassed Waterways
Pasture & Hayland Planting
Critical Area Planting
Field Borders
Filter Strips
Conservation Cover
Field Windbreak
Tree Planting
Stormwater BMPs
REAP Practices (P) funds are used to support water protection practices which may include approved storm-water best management practices such as:
Soil Quality Restoration
Native Landscaping
Permeable Pavement
Rain Garden
Detention Basins
Detention Ponds
Others (see application form for full list)
Iowa's Water Quality Initiative (WQI)
Iowa’s Water Quality Initiative (WQI) was established during the 2013 legislative session to help implement the Nutrient Reduction Strategy (NRS). The NRS provides a road map to achieve a 45% reduction in nitrogen and phosphorus losses to our waters using an integrated approach that includes point and non-point sources working together. The WQI seeks to harness the collective ability of both private and public resources and organizations to rally around the NRS and to support Iowans as they implement practices to reduce nutrient loss and improve water quality.
More information about the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy can be found here.
WQI provides statewide funding for these practices:
Cover Crops
Nitrification Inhibitor (first time users only)
No-Till or Strip-Till (first time users only)