Welcome Ken Herring!
Ken Herring joined Dallas County SWCD this past spring. Welcome, Ken!
Ken and his wife Carma reside on a family farm in Colfax township between Adel and Redfield . Ken’s working past includes: a career as a wildlife biologist. In this role I assisted landowners in utilizing a variety of conservation practices on their lands. I have lots of experience with the wide
variety of conservation programs. I have personally utilized several farm programs including: CRP, CSP, REAP practices for windbreaks, forest improvements, and prairie establishment. I am also an active farm manager for several clients. This role keeps me actively engaged in the many aspects of farming, including: agriculture leasing, farm operations, farming costs, commodity prices, conservation practices and other things related to farming. I hope to put my experience into practice by assisting land owners in Dallas County. I believe strongly that Dallas County farmers have never had so many great opportunities to partner with conservation programs as are currently available. These programs will help keep the land you steward in the best possible condition.