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Our 5 Year Plan

The priority goals were established in collaboration with input from a Local Working Group (consisting of farmers, local business owners, and other residents of the community), Dallas SWCD Commissioners and Natural Resources Conservation Service staff.

The Priority Goals for the Dallas Soil and Water Conservation District are as follows: 


  • Priority Goal #1: People - Expand office staff capacity, restoring it to previous levels, providing the availability of the right people, right role, at the right time, and seek funding to support the additional expense overhead.

  • Priority Goal #2: Water and Soil Quality - Increase the use of buffers along waterways and streams reducing erosion while improving wildlife habitat.

  • Priority Goal #3: Soil Quality and Conservation - Encourage and expand upon implementation of and compliance with effective conservation practices on land designated as HEL reducing erosion on higher risk land.

  • Priority Goal #4: Grow Partnership Network - Continuously enhance partnerships with county and neighboring organizations that support and promote mutual goals of improving lowa's water quality and land stewardship, and conservation practices.



Water and Soil Quality

Soil Quality and Conservation

Grow Partnership Network

Our Goals

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